Plight of the Pollinator's Kick off Lecure Recap

Dr.Susan Cusato Lecturing at the  Flanders Welcome Center-Photo- Mike Amodeo
Apologies for the delay in this post!!
 The Plight of the Pollinators kick off  lecture /presentation was this past Friday evening. It was well attended, very informative,and tasty! Dr.Cusato gave a great talk on some of the key issues facing our pollinator decline. She spoke not only of bees but of the alarming loss of our bat population in Connecticut. Bats are also important pollinators as well as important for keeping the mosquito population under control.She reported that many bee keepers in the area have lost  a large percentage of their hives and spoke of  her own trials in becoming a beekeeper. Though the talk was  descriptive of the critical issue facing the pollinator population, Dr.Cusato provided many positive opportunities to make a difference. Many of them  would not require a whole lot of effort on the part of the public or agricultural professionals. Basic implementations such as; the reduction of chemical pesticide use around the home or landscaping situations, letting your lawn grass grown for a bit longer in order to allow the bees to forage on the clover, changing the time of day for mowing, timing field and meadow mowing so as to allow the pollinators more time to dine, and the discontinuation of genetically modified or round-up ready crops!
There were many more ideas she gave in how one could get involved and enhance the chances of promoting healthy eco-systems for bees, birds and bats. In response to the lecture Dianne Parmalee of Flanders, has organized a Bee co-op where people can buy shares in hives and have the opportunity to bee mentored by expert beekeeper Al Avitabile! We're In!!

Artist/Beekeeper Randy Orzano- Photo- Mike Amodeo
Artist Beekeeper Randy Orzano presented his inter-species collaborative work, after Dr.Cusato's lecture, which was very intriguing. He spoke about his mixed- media drawings and how working with these creatures has effected his process and overall outlook as an artist. Besides speaking about his artwork, Randy also shared his personal journey as a beekeeper. He generously shared his  stories and resources about those experiences. 

The evening ended sweetly with incredibly, delicious, Mead. MMM. It was goood.And now I cannot for the life of me, remember the name!!! Apologies Mead Maker! (Check back tomorrow and I'll post this delicious Nectar's source)!

For more details on how you can be part of the Be-Friend Coop email or visit

Jay Foster

 Participate! in the Plight of the Pollinators Call to Artists


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